
Wild Ones…

And other things from Florida — or rather Flo Rida – who knows– maybe its all the same thing.

My brain has decided, when I go too long without taking a moment to download back up to this blog, it will start to suddenly give me memory crashing errors. Twice today — You know those moments when you suddenly completely, in the midst of expressing something specific completely lose the thought, the whole ball park of where you were going, and what was intended….. or when your walking somewhere to do something – ask something specific — and you get halfway there and can’t recall why, who, what, where or when you were going… at all – no trace, no bread crumbs.

Here’s to bread crumbs! Not only do the make amazing meatloaf, but they also do pretty well for so many other things in a pinch.

Riding tonight, there was a sexy guy on a bike; you know the type, tight jeans, black bike, cowboy boots, quite quite fit, with a black billowing t-shirt with angel wings in silver on the back. Including the sword. When you think about whether or not angels are among us, stop asking if, and start considering that maybe they aren’t exactly where you expect or what you expect to see.

It made me laugh no doubt about it.

Books: reading one, I think I actually read it a few years back, however my mind decided it was time to pick it up again and start it over again. “Many Lives, Many Masters” by Brian Weiss — great book, many thoughts about this one….

So I’m taking a reiki certification class in two weeks, and my mind is still running though the lessons I need to refresh before this class, trying to clear and cut and go in with a fresh perspective. I do think its an interesting phenomena that once you start down a path the coding in Google sort of starts sending you all sorts more of that particular path, its sort of like “Hey you liked that one link, how about these other 50billion?” …. Really? I already decided that I was going to do this … no need to inundate me and make me question my decision. Where are the links for synergies instead?

Tried an interesting — ODD — yet interesting restaurant today. Inchin’s Bamboo Garden — They had a buffet for lunch, which was priced reasonable, the service was quite good – it was just sort of an enigma. It was Asian style Indian food. Sort of a fusion of Indian and Chinese, with more of a significant lean towards Chinese. Quite tasty selections, just quite odd.

Got an invitation for a crystal class this weekend at Natures Treasures, and am sort of torn about whether or not to take the time to attend. Lots going on right now both with home, work and spirit. More information while always nice, is threatening to exceed overload.

Dunno, have been sort of having difficulty lately with priorities. There are so many things to do, that it just seems like I want to sit back and watch for a while, and laugh and smile more. Its not so much a lack or undesire for motivation, its more that the laughing and smiling just seems higher priority then focus and resolve.

So many happy things going on all over the place, so many changes so many interesting evolutions in life going on.

Had a conversation about missing someone the other day — with the husband about his mother. I indicated that I missed her, but not as much I miss my dog. I qualified it to express that it wasn’t that I didn’t miss her, I do a good deal, but I miss the comforting presence of my pooch more. This caused him to consider and he indicated he missed her more than his pooch. It was just one of those somehow comforting conversations where discussing together brought more peace about the missing. Kind of like one of those misery loves company sort of things, but more of a positive type, where there was comfort in knowing that it was a shared experience.

Have a trip planned for August to NY – and I’m nervous. Its not in my top 10 list of places, while its probably in the top 100 — I don’t actually have a top 100 list yet, maybe thats a project for another day…. Its probably on the list. Still Nervous. We are not renting a car, and its crowded with many many many people. Not a huge fan of dark cavern like things of subways, and not a high love of mass transit or taxi’s. Guess I’m in for a culture shock in my own country! Coupled with the fact that its not likely I manage to get to do the few couple of things I’d actually like to do in NY – hook up with a friend from the Ridge last year — see the Statue of Liberty — Go to the Met — Go to Gordon Ramsey’s restaurant…. Since its unlikely I’ll get to do most of those things, I’m equally not excited. There is a conference there, which is the reason for going. I’m just a tag along, so its not especially costly for me to tag along, and it is a trip.

Tomorrow we head over to some of our family people’s house for dinner, very looking forward to the catch up time. We have been trying to get onto a routine the past few years, somewhat sporadically successfully — spotty at best, but time passes one way or the other, and we have such great family. So much to learn from each other.

Enough for now, my brain feels like its empty – maybe next time I’ll listen and blog before it decides to pull a Cntrl+Alt+Delete on me…. Lesson learned, I got the message, kkthx.

Sugary Slope

Why must there be so many sinfully tasty sweet things? We had round rock donuts today, too many of them. This is not the first time for this type of encounter, and while it should be less frequent it seems to keep happening. It started as a desire a for a donut unrequited, and turned into a massive binge of more carb than a weeks allotment.

Its back to this emotional eating, bad creature pattern, but very very difficult to remain diligent against, as I keep observing more and more things that are triggers. It would probably also help if I weren’t feeling so burdened by so many things – hence the desire for blog posting.

Lots of stuff for work, lots of stuff around the house — lots of challenges all over the place, and very little light hearted laughter material.

Speaking of that, when did it occur that the mud became more prevalent then the pasture? In discussions today it came to my attention how much we cuss, how much we point out the negativity, how much attention we give these things — its not that we are alone, quite the contrary, more we are the norm. What happened to being gentile ladies and gentlemen? I know it became unvogue, but maybe its time to become a rebel and social outcast but trying to revive these traits?

I remember even as a very young girl there were just certain things you didn’t do or say around my grandparents. It was out of respect. Cussing and raised voices were two of these things, it was okay to get passionate about things, infact it was something they seemed to enjoy, but there was something that just naturally made the time spent with them seem more sacred. More pure.

I think this purity is something I’m craving. I have spoken with others in the past; and they have mentioned they feel this at church, maybe this is the appeal of these places for some people – I never really felt these at churches in America. It was interesting to notice it a little in some of the churches I was able to visit in Europe. Maybe it was about the age, or maybe it was about the casualness.

I do recall, my grandparents maintained a certain decorum about most things. There was a proper way to press a blouse, shirt and slacks, and there were certain topics that just never came up. It wasn’t that they were taboo so much as just not something that was discussed. I remember talking to my grandmother about sex. The conversation was in private, in the comfort of her bedroom, with just the two of us as we folded laundry. It wasn’t that the subject was off limits at all, more that there was an appropriateness of time and place for the conversation about intimate things.

While I recognize that there is truly value in the freedom to express ones beliefs, and thoughts and exhibit both public displays of affection and even public displays of outrage, it just seems like these are more the norm then common decency. Call this maybe a personal epiphany that if I want to see this obtain a revival, I need to be the first one to step out and begin doing it.

Since its June and I haven’t really set my resolutions yet for the year — long story on this one – perhaps this will be one of my resolutions for 2014. I resolve to work to be more gentile, to moderate my tone, my actions and my words in public settings and consider the appropriateness of my actions and attitudes to the environment I am in, to strive to encourage others to do likewise.

In the course of discussions today, P & I ended up talking about some of my personal history. It made me acutely aware of an outstanding debt I hold to someone who was above and beyond gracious to me at a time when I was a spoiled punk kid. While the universe, from the continuing discussions, has provided me with many ample opportunities to pay this forward that I have graciously taken advantage of, I need to return this debt with interest to the original provider.

We also talked about several other things, its hard to tell how much of the ground work I’m laying is actually going to take root and bring forth trees, but I can say that the acorns seem to have been planted in fertile ground. Only time will tell on this, requiring practicing of ample patience as always.

When your doing the wrong thing and even if the reasons are correct, does the fact that your very good at it justify continuing to do it? This is not the first time I’ve asked myself this question, and the enigma keeps coming up – I personally believe is the universe telling me that its time to stop doing it. Working towards doing other things, just more patience again.

Read more, listen more, learn more, love more, be more.