Hope Springs Eternal, has been an adage aptly applied to me my entire life, that is to say, I’m very good at being in a terrible situation, and finding the often unapparent bright side of it. I like happy endings. I live for them. I seek out inspirations daily for ways to bring happiness into less than bright places, finding light where there is very little or none.
Today, I went with my mom to a Yoga class, something I have been wanting to do since being diagnosed. I have a founders pass, which affords me the ability to attend classes, at any of the Yoga Yoga locations, and I can also bring a friend with me. While my mom is not the first person, truth be told she is one of the last, I’d have thought to go with me to these classes, she having her own health challenges at this time, making movement a challenge on the regular for her, and being unable to get down to the ground to do most of the poses. She however offered, and as I have been looking for a consistent person to be able to get me back and forth, I jumped at the chance. As expected, the class was incredible. It was just what I needed, I have been to this particular class in the past before, not often but it has always lifted my spirits, and aligned my mind, heart and body in just the correct way to allow me to remember the good things.
Today, I have my first session doing PT with S. I am both excited and apprehensive. I feel this will be a super positive inspiring thing for me to do, and will definitely align with my goals for progression, but I’m apprehensive that I won’t be able to do enough and she will become discouraged. While I recognize that these sessions are my time, and my compensation to her should be more than enough to dissuade any discouragement, its just something I am acutely aware of, particular at this present time.
It has never been an easy thing for me to crush someone else’s hope, as I strive so hard to inspire, that when the need or when I have been called to relay information that I knew would not be well received or would dampen someones spirit, it has always been extremely challenging for me. While I have done so, it has never felt quite right. I recognize that its a necessary part to play in the universal connectedness, some people must have these types of interactions in order to grow – myself included. Its just always made me very heart heavy when it was my turn to be the torch extinguisher.
I have alot of hopes riding on my upcoming trip to Seattle with R. We have a full itinerary mapped out, and I am going to need to work very hard these next few weeks in order to be sure my body will be up to the task of accomplishing this trip. Its very frequent right now that I feel super fatigued, and just exhausted.
There is also a visit scheduled this Friday at this place: https://www.kotsanisinstitute.com/ while my current doctor and medical team are unable to provide me with any hope for my condition, this place has the potential to offer me some alternatives to the regime I am currently on. They will also be supporting me in my diet shift. As soon as I was diagnosed I shifted my diet to a Ketogenic Diet, eliminating all processed and refined sugar from my diet, and restricting my carbs to lower carb vegetables exclusively. This was drastic, but it has had profound impacts on my overall health. I have since also solicited the involvement of my family and support team to do the same, as the energy and emotional support they provide, need to be from a pure and clean source as well.
It was quite eye opening to me, to recognize the fact that sugar is effectively poison to the body, while it is one potential source of fuel or energy, it is not the most efficient, nor is it the healthiest. It is the root cause of many disease, and the primary food source for all cancers. One of the first steps to starving cancer, and preventing its growth in your body is to eliminate all sugar from your diet. This has been echoed over and over in many of the books, articles and research studies I have read. It’s one of those lessons of information that I was not able to integrate into my mind a few years ago.
P and R have been great, we cleaned out our pantry and cabinets this week, and both were surprised at some of the things that had to go, due to having hidden sugar in them. Things we had least expected, like Italian Dressing… Vinegar and Oil right? Nope, Sugar was the fourth ingredient. Why, food industry do we need sugar in so many of these things?
Maybe this is something I will learn in my next life, as for this one, I’m just on the kick it to the curb bandwagon. No more sugar for me boys.